速報APP / 娛樂 / Draw Animals for Kids Free

Draw Animals for Kids Free





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:535 Fallen Leaf Circle San Ramon, CA 94583

Draw Animals for Kids Free(圖1)-速報App

Art can be easy, or hard. It is all about creativity. Do you want to teach your kids to draw simple animals for fun? “How to Draw Animals for Kids” is the application for learning simple drawing, for fun and entertainment.

Draw Animals for Kids Free(圖2)-速報App

This application lets you and young kids to learn how to draw animals using some easy, step-by-step instructions that are simple, but very cute and elegant. It provides helpful diagrams to guide you in drawing these playful animals.

Draw Animals for Kids Free(圖3)-速報App

40 animals are included in the app.

Draw Animals for Kids Free(圖4)-速報App

Each animal drawing is divided into 5 or 6 steps, and it is easy to follow. The application provides a fun page flipper when you’re ready to move on to the next step.

Draw Animals for Kids Free(圖5)-速報App

The kids and you will find that these cartoon animals are easy to draw, cute, and the steps are in bite size chunks for everyone to keep up.

Draw Animals for Kids Free(圖6)-速報App

Happy drawing!

Draw Animals for Kids Free(圖7)-速報App

Draw Animals for Kids Free(圖8)-速報App